Articoli scientifici


Crepaz H, Quaglia E, Lombardi G, Lonati M, Rossi M, Ravetto Enri S, Dullinger S, Tappeiner U, Niedrist G (2024). Phenological responses of alpine snowbed communities to advancing snowmelt. Ecology and Evolution 14, 7.

Brighenti S, Obojes N, Bertoldi G, Zuecco G, Censini M, Cassiani G, Penna D, Comiti F (2024). Snowmelt and subsurface heterogeneity control tree water sources in a subalpine forest. Ecohydrology.

Zandonai A, Fontana V, Klotz J, Bertoldi G, Crepaz H, Tappeiner U, (2024). Six years of high-resolution climatic data collected along an elevation gradient in the Italian Alps. Scientitif Data 11, 751.


Schirpke, U., Ebner, M., Fontana, V., Enigl, K., Ohndorf, M., Pritsch, H., & Kurmayer, R. (2023). Climate response of alpine lakes and impacts on ecosystem services. Landscape Online.

Pritsch, H., Schirpke, U., Jersabek, C. D., & Kurmayer, R. (2023). Plankton community composition in mountain lakes and consequences for ecosystem services. Ecological Indicators, 154, 110532.

Steinwandter, M., & Seeber, J. (2023). Ground-dwelling invertebrates of the high alpine: Changes in diversity and community composition along elevation (1500–3000 m). Applied Soil Ecology, 190, 104988.

Fontana V, Ebner M, Schirpke U, Ohndorf M, Pritsch H, Tappeiner U, Kurmayer R (2023). An integrative approach to evaluate ecosystem services of mountain lakes using multi-criteria decision analysis. Ecological Economics 204, 107678.


Seeber, J., Steinwandter, M., Tasser, E., Guariento, E., Peham, T., Rüdisser, J., ... & Meyer, E. (2022). Distribution of soil macrofauna across different habitats in the Eastern European Alps. Scientific Data, 9(1), 1-7.

Körner C., Berninger U.G., Daim A., Eberl T., Fernández Mendoza F., Füreder L., Grube M., Hainzer E., Kaiser R., Meyer E., Newesely C., Niedrist G., Niedrist G.H., Petermann J.S., Seeber J., Tappeiner U., Wickham S. (2022). Long-term monitoring of high-elevation terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in the Alps–a five-year synthesis. Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management 14: 48-69.

Scotti, A., Jacobsen, D., Stefan, V., Tappeiner, U., Bottarin, R. (2022). Small Hydropower—Small Ecological Footprint? A Multi-Annual Environmental Impact Analysis Using Aquatic Macroinvertebrates as Bioindicators. Part 1: Effects on Community Structure. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10, 902603.

Scotti, A., Jacobsen, D., Stefan, V., Tappeiner, U., Bottarin, R. (2022). Small hydropower—Small ecological footprint? A multi-annual environmental impact analysis using aquatic macroinvertebrates as bioindicators. Part 2: Effects on functional diversity. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10, 904547.

Schirpke, U., & Ebner, M. (2022). Exposure to global change pressures and potential impacts on ecosystem services of mountain lakes in the European Alps. Journal of Environmental Management, 318, 115606.

Lembrechts JJ, van den Hoogen J, […] Della Chiesa S, Niedrist G, Seeber J, Steinwandter M, […] (2021): Global maps of soil temperature. Global Change Biology 28 (9), 3110-3144.

Ebner, M., Fontana, V., Schirpke, U., & Tappeiner, U. (2022). Stakeholder perspectives on ecosystem services of mountain lakes in the European Alps. Ecosystem Services, 53, 101386.

Obojes N, Meurer A, Newesely C, Tasser E, Oberhuber W, Mayr S, Tappeiner U (2022) Swiss stone pine growth benefits less from recent warming than European larch at a dry-inner alpine forest line as it reacts more sensitive to humidity. Agric. For. Meteorol. 315, 108788.

Steinwandter M, Seeber J (2022). Belowground mountaineers: critters living in mountain soils. Frontiers for Young Minds, 10:660110.


Fontana V, Niedrist G, Bottarin R (2021). IT25 Val di Mazia, in: La Rete Italiana per la Ricerca Ecologica di Lungo Termine. Lo studio della biodiversità e dei cambiamenti (2021) a cura di Capotondi L, Ravaioli M, Acosta A, Chiarini F, Lami A, Stanisci A, Tarozzi L, Mazzocchi MG CNR-Edizioni, Roma. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5570272

Niedrist G, Lösch B, Nagler M, Rauch H, Vorhauser S, Scotti A, Bottarin R, Alber R (2021). Estimating aquatic invertebrate diversity in the southern Alps using data from Biodiversity Days. Journal of Limnology.

Scotti, A., Bottarin, R. (2021). Fine-scale multiannual survey of benthic invertebrates in a glacier-fed stream used for hydropower generation. Scientific Data 8, 105 (2021).

Seeber J, Newesely C, Steinwandter M, Rief A, Körner C, Tappeiner U, Meyer E (2021). Soil invertebrate abundance, diversity, and community composition across steep high elevation snowmelt gradients in the European Alps. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 53 (1): 288-299

Schirpke U, Ebner M, Pritsch H, Fontana V, Kurmayer R (2021). Quantifying Ecosystem Services of High Mountain Lakes across Different Socio-Ecological Contexts. Sustainability 13(11), 6051.

Schirpke U, Scolozzi R, Tappeiner U (2021). “A Gem among the Rocks”—Identifying and Measuring Visual Preferences for Mountain Lakes. Water 13(9), 1151.

Schirpke, U, Tasser E, Ebner M, Tappeiner U (2021). What can geotagged photographs tell us about cultural ecosystem services of lakes? Ecosystem Services 51, 101354.

Kwon T, Shibata H, Djukic I, Kepfer-Rojas s, Kappel Schmidt I, Steenberg Larsen K, Beier C, Berg B, Verheyen K, Lamarque JF, Hagedorn F, Eisenhauer N, TeaComposition (2021). Effects of climate and atmospheric nitrogen deposition on early to mid-term stage litter decomposition across biomes. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, Plant Litter Decomposition, Carbon Sequestration, and Their Patterns 4, 678480.

Poyatos R, Granda V, Flo V, Adam MA … Obojes N, … Martínez-Vilalta J (2021). Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 2607–2649,

Phillips HRP, Bach EM, Bartz MLC, Bennett J, …, Seeber J, Steinwandter M, … , Cameron E, Eisenhauer N (2021). Global data on earthworm abundance, biomass, diversity and corresponding soil properties. Scientific Data 8, 136. 

Fontana V, Niedrist G, Seeber J, Steinwandter M, Hilpold A, Guariento E, Klotz J, Della Chiesa S, Zandonai A, Colla F, Tasser E, Obojes N, Bertoldi G, Tappeiner U (2021). Photo Story: Research activities at the dry grassland sites in the LTSER site Matsch/Mazia valley, Italy. Palearctic Grasslands 48: 22-26. DOI: 10.21570


Damisch, K., Steinwandter, M., Tappeiner, U., & Seeber, J. (2020). Soil Macroinvertebrate Distribution Along a Subalpine Land Use Transect. Mountain Research and Development, 40(2), R1.

Crepaz, H., Niedrist, G., Wessely, J., Rossi, M., & Dullinger, S. (2020). Resident vegetation modifies climate-driven elevational shift of a mountain sedge. Alpine Botany, 1-13.

Kattge, J, Bönisch, G, Díaz, S, Dainese M, Fontana V, Niedrist G, Tappeiner U, et al. TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access. Glob Change Biol. 2020; 26: 119– 188.

Präg, N., Seeber, J., Leitinger, G., Tasser, E., Tappeiner, U., Illmer, P. (2020) The role of land management and elevation in shaping soil microbial communities: insights from the Central European Alps. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 150, 107951.

Fontana, V., Guariento, E., Hilpold, A., Niedrist, G., Steinwandter, M., Spitale, D., Nascimbene, J., Tappeiner, U. and Seeber, J., 2020. Species richness and beta diversity patterns of multiple taxa along an elevational gradient in pastured grasslands in the European Alps. Scientific Reports, 10(1), pp.1-11.

Schirpke U, Leitinger G, Tasser E, Rüdisser J, Fontana V, Tappeiner U (2020): Functional spatial units are fundamental for modelling ecosystem services in mountain regions. Applied Geography 118, DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2020.102200


Montagnani​, L., Badraghi, A., Speak, A.F., Wellstein, C., Borruso, L., Zerbe, S., Zanotelli, D. (2019): Evidence for a non-linear carbon accumulation pattern along an Alpine glacier retreat chronosequence in Northern Italy. PeerJ 7:e7703

Rossi, M.; Niedrist, G.; Asam, S.; Tonon, G.; Tomelleri, E.; Zebisch, M. (2019): A Comparison of the Signal from Diverse Optical Sensors for Monitoring Alpine Grassland Dynamics. Remote 2019, 11, 296.

Scotti A, Tappeiner U, Bottarin R (2019) Stream benthic macroinvertebrates abundances over a 6-year monitoring period of an Italian glacier-fed stream. Biodiversity Data Journal 7: e33576.

Steinwandter M, Kahlen M, Tappeiner U, Seeber J (2019) First records of Opetiopalpus sabulosus Motschulsky, 1840 (Coleoptera, Cleridae) for the European Alps. Nature Conservation 34, 119-125.


Scotti A, Jacobsen D, Tappeiner U, Bottarin R (2018). Spatial and temporal variation of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages during the glacial melt season in an Italian glacier-fed stream. Hydrobiologia 1-17.

Castelli M, Anderson MC, Yang Y, Wohlfahrt G, Bertoldi G, Niedrist G, Hammerle A, Zhao P, Zebisch M, Notarnicola C (2018) Two-source energy balance modeling of evapotranspiration in Alpine grasslands. Remote Sensing of Environment 209, 327-342. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2018.02.062

Connor SE, Colombaroli D, Confortini F, Gobet E, Ilyashuk B, Ilyashuk E, van Leeuwen JFN, Lamentowicz M, van der Knaap WO, Malysheva E, Marchetto A, Margalitadze N, Mazei Y, Mitchell EAD, Payne RJ, Ammann B (2018) Long-term population dynamics: Theory and reality in a peatland ecosystem. Journal of Ecology 106 (1), 333-346. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12865

Djukic I, Kepfer-Rojas S, Kappel Schmidt I, Steenberg Larsen K, Beier C, Berg B, Verheyen, TeaComposition (~200 LTER members), 2018. Early stage decomposition across biomes. Science of the Total Environment 628-629, 1169-1394.

Dick J., Orenstein D E, Holzer J. M., Wohner C., Achard A. L., Andrews C., Avriel-Avni N., Beja P., Blond N., Cabello J., Chen C., Díaz-Delgado R., Giannakis G.V., Gingrich S., Izakovicova Z., Krauze K., Lamouroux N., Leca S., Van Ryckegem G. (2018): What is socio-ecological research delivering? A literature survey across 25 international LTSER platforms. Science of the total Environment 622-623, 1225-1240.

Hilpold A, Seeber J, Fontana V, Niedrist G, Rief A, Steinwandter M, Tasser E, Tappeiner U (2018) Decline of rare and specialist species across multiple taxonomic groups after grassland intensification and abandonment. Biodiversity and Conservation 1-16.

Obojes N, Meurer A, Newesely C, Tasser E, Oberhuber W, Mayr S, Tappeiner U (2018) Water stress limits transpiration and growth of European larch up to the lower subalpine belt in an inner-alpine dry. New Phytologist. DOI: 10.1111/nph.15348

Steinwandter M, Rief A, Scheu S, Traugott M, Seeber J (2018) Structural and functional characteristics of high alpine soil macro-invertebrate communities. European Journal of Soil Biology 86: 72-80. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2018.03.006


Ilyashuk B., Ilyashuk E., Psenner R., Tessadri R., Koinig K.A. (2018): Rock glaciers in crystalline catchments: Hidden permafrost-related threats to alpine headwater lakes. Global Change Biology 24 (4), 1548-1562. Doi: 10.1111/gcb.13985

Engel M., Notarnicola C., Endrizzi S., Bertoldi G. (2017): Snow model sensitivity analysis to understand spatial and temporal snow dynamics in a high-elevation catchment. Hydrological Processes 31 (23), 4151-4168. DOI:10.1002/hyp.11314.

Steinwanter, M., Schlick-Steiner, B.C., Seeber, G.U.H., Steiner, F.M., Seeber, J. (2017): Effects of Alpine land-use changes: Soil macrofauna community revisited. Ecology and Evolution 7 (14), 5389-5399. doi: 10.1002/ece3.3043

Fontana, V., Kohler, M., Niedrist, G., Bahn, M., Tappeiner, U., & Frenck, G. (2017). Decomposing the land-use specific response of plant functional traits along environmental gradients. Science of The Total Environment, 599, 750-759.

Penna D., Engel M., Bertoldi G., Comiti F., (2017): Towards a tracer-based conceptualization of meltwater dynamics and streamflow response in a glacierized catchment. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21, 23-41.

Colliander A., Jackson T.J., Bindlish R., Chan S., Das N., Kim S.B., Cosh M. H., Dunbar R.S. , Dang L., Pashaian L., Asanuma J., Aida K., Berg A., Rowlandson T., Bosch D., Caldwell T., Caylor K., Goodrich D., al Jassar H., Lopez-Baeza E., Martínez-Fernández J., González-Zamora A., Livingston S., McNairnH., Pacheco A., Moghaddam M., Montzka C., Notarnicola C., Niedrist G., Pellarin T., Prueger J., Pulliainen J., Rautiainen K., Ramos J., Seyfried M., Starks P., Su Z., Zeng Y., van der Velde R., Thibeault M., Dorigo W., Vreugdenhil M., Walker J.P., Wu X., Monerris A., O'Neill P.E., Entekhabi D., Njoku E.G., Yueh S. (2017): Validation of SMAP surface soil moisture products with core validation sites, Remote Sensing of Environment 191, 215-231.