Saldur River Catchment (transect site with forest)

Measurements in the Saldur catchment site started in 2010. In total there are 17 weather stations distributed throughout the various ecosystem types (cultivated meadows, pastureland, forest, glacier fore field), which enables analyses at a plot level up to a complete landscape level. Measurements are primarily used to validate hydrological models and to model various ecosystem services such as productivity, water availability and protection against natural hazards. This site is also equipped with five units to measure sap flow in the stem and an automatic dendrometer; the data are used to investigate the influence of climate factors on common coniferous trees in the area.
Microclimate (air temperature, absolute and relative humidity, wind velocity and direction, precipitation, snow depth and vegetation height, soil temperature, soil moisture, soil water potential), radiation (short and long wave), photosynthetic active radiation
Primary production (including dry biomass and Leaf Area Index) 
Sap flow meter and automatic dendrometer (6 on Larix decidua and 4 on Pinus cembra)
Other measurements:
Vegetation (agricultural yield, biodiversity)
Soil (soil type classification, soil depth, soil moisture, other chemical and physical parameters)
Snow depth and duration of cover
Needle phenology of the larch tree (Larix decidua)

Location and amenities:

The seventeen weather stations are accessible by car from May to October; in some cases a special road permit is required. Electricity is produced onsite via solar panels. Accommodation is available in the nearby village (Mazia/Matsch).

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